I think it’s much easier to keep one’s peace in nature (on a tranquil mountain or a beautiful sun-soaked beach) than within the chaos of city life.

However, true peace remains no matter where you are.

This reminds me very much of a poem I memorized in the 12th grade (many years ago!) for an assignment. It is called The Most Vital Thing In Life:

When you feel like saying something

that you know you will regret,

or keenly feel an insult

not quite easy to forget,

that’s the time to curb resentment,

and maintain a mental peace.

For when your mind is tranquil,

all your ill thoughts simply cease.

It is easy to be angry

when defrauded or defied,

to be peeved and disappointed

if your wishes are denied,

but to win a worthwhile battle

over selfishness and spite,

you must learn to keep strict silence

though you know you’re in the right.

So keep your mental balance

when confronted by a foe…

be it enemy in ambush

or some danger that you know.

If you are poised and tranquil

when all around is strife,

be assured that you have mastered

the most vital thing in life.

Poem by Grenville Kleiser

Photo source: Mumbai (India) train station