We are only limited by our own creativity…even in exercise! Finding your preferred way to keeping your body moving is so important. Not only does exercise control your weight, it improves your mood and your health! Regular exercise also boosts your energy and promotes better sleep…among many other benefits. You can go walking, running, biking, climbing, dancing, surfing, – Read More –
body temple
Stated most simply, Qi Gong (CHEE-gong) is breath. It is the art and science of combining breathing, body posture, and a meditative mindset for healing. I am very fortunate to have Dr. Baolin Wu, a Taoist master and monk from the White Cloud Monastary in Beijing, as a teacher. Dr. Wu is a Qi Gong master and utilizes the practice of Qi Gong to replace the body’s Qi with healthy and vital Qi energy from nature.
The most fundamental Qi Gong practice is proper breathing. Without breathing, there is no life. Proper breathing will allow you to prolong your life and combined with Qi Gong practice, you will be able to heal yourself. I will share a lesson from Dr. Wu:
Meditation is a powerful practice that many people want to perform regularly, but have serious difficulty following through on that goal [me included!]. Like all habits, regular meditation comes from consistent practice and a clear understanding of what you are really trying to accomplish.
My definition of meditation is anything that pulls you firmly and positively into the present moment. As such, I believe there are three forms of meditation:
Absolute silence • Voice of God • Active Meditation
DEAR SAGE: When I was younger, I was able to eat whatever I wanted and the weight would magically melt off! Now that I’m a little older, that magic is gone. I try everything, but I just can’t seem to lose weight and keep it off. I get sucked in by every magazine cover that promises to help you lose 10 pounds in a week. It never really works out. Please help me to get out of this weight loss merry-go-round!
DEAR DIETER: Thank you for your question! This is a huge subject of great importance…for in this life, we only have one body and our livelihood is dependent on how well we take care of it. I think the real issue here is that the focus has become on weight loss instead of having a healthy lifestyle.
So you’re right…thinking about weight loss is a lot like a merry-go-round! You will have ups and downs and feel like you’re spinning round and round, but not getting anywhere. Getting off the ride involves re-evaluating your habits and making some different decisions. Let’s begin!
The Torii is a symbolic gate found at the entrance of the Japanese Shinto Temples. The Torii is used to separate the sacred from the worldly. Your body is your temple. It is sacred. If you imagine that you have a Torii surrounding you, verify that the energy [nourishment, surroundings, and energy from others] you – Read More –