Dear Mom,

I love how you read my website and maintain connection over the time zones and oceans. I want you to know that in my blog, I channel messages I feel inspired to share. The mesages may be about something I’ve experienced (past or present) and processed through a different lens…or it could be about something I talked about with a friend or read in the paper. I share hoping that these messages will inspire others who may be going through something they need to understand.

I want you to know that your daughter is…

HAPPY like I’m eating your fresh brownies…

FREE like I felt when I jumped off of that plane that time…

SAFE like I’m hanging out with the martial arts crew after practice…

HEALTHY like I was in your favorite leaf symphony picture…

STRONG like when I was three and kicked that doctor (ha!)…

CONFIDENT like I’m about to walk on stage and take the mic…

UNBREAKABLE like I know I will always bounce back on life’s trampoline…

UNSHAKABLE because my self-worth and self-respect is BEYOND…(you taught me that!)

BOLD like I can just drop everything and pick another country to live in…

AND LOVED because I know you’re always with me and I’m surrounded by the love of our incredible family and ancestors. You know I keep Grams wrapped around my finger ;) <3

So Mom…don’t worry! I’m so, soooo good! And beyond blessed to be taking another journey to grow deeper in spirit and self. I have been given this mixed bag of life experiences so that I can gain greater empathy and understanding. But I will never be defeated. And I always make the choice to never suffer. Ain’t nobody got time for that!! ;) My mission is to keep inspiring others to life their best life. Just like you ;)



