Before acting, one should rest in a state of equanimity, indifferent to the results of the action, so that the action happens naturally without any sense of it being “your” action. – Chuang-tzu Equanimity is defined as mental calmness, composure, and evenness of temper, especially in a difficult situation. One could also call it coolheadedness. – Read More –
for meditation


After several weeks of travel, I slept for the entire weekend to recover. Exciting, right? :) As I found some secret store of energy this morning, I woke up early and went for a long bike ride. Listening to meditative tunes, I started getting back to Zen ;) A quote from Rumi kept repeating itself – Read More –

Recently, I went to race stock cars. Before the race, my instructor advised that I “Zen out and become one with the car.” Of course that struck a cord with me ;) The same is true when I tried archery some time ago…my instructor said to “become one with the bow and release the arrow – Read More –

Sometimes I catch myself getting future focused. Writing, editing, and publishing a book means I have a to-do list that never seems to end. I’m driven to create and share. And it requires that I think ahead a lot. However, a friend reminded me to “stay present ;)” in a note recently and it really – Read More –

The world is vast. Our perception is so often limited. Having options is a wonderful thing, but sometimes it can be overwhelming. Should I stay or go? Should I invest in this or that? Will this decision result in a loss or gain? If we first take a breath and then take a step back, – Read More –

This morning I woke up and wanted to play Tetris (the 80’s video puzzle game), so I did. As I played, I felt in control of the process. The tiles fell and I quickly put them in place. I breezed through the first eight levels. Even if I misplaced a piece, I had time to – Read More –

Defense is the first act of war. Byron Katie shared this wisdom and I think it’s true. As soon as we become defensive, it seems that we invite conflict. I find that I have these moments when I try to create boundaries. Now if I was being like water and letting things flow naturally, this – Read More –