
March 12, 2013


A friend of mine shared this photo today, and I was blown away! This woman is so beautiful to me! And it made me think about what makes a person beautiful… It is said that in nature, beauty is defined by symmetry. But when I see this picture, it’s more than just symmetry…there is a – Read More –

March 11, 2013


In honor of all of my super-amazing girlfriends (you know who you are!), this photo is us in 60 years…haha! Ok, maybe just the happiness part ;) The beauty of a true girlfriend is that no matter how much time passes, you can pick up the phone, call her, and have a brilliant conversation…about absolutely – Read More –

March 11, 2013


This picture makes me happy! And it makes me smile :) It symbolizes what childhood should be about…happy children playing together and smiling…in the ocean :) How beautiful! No fighting, just love and joy. I believe hate is learned. Children learn from their family, friends, or environment that someone or something is bad or wrong…and hate – Read More –

March 8, 2013


DEAR SAGE: How do you get your wife to slowdown?  My wife has been working 7-day weeks most weeks for a few months. I realize the need to stay on “top of her game,” especially during peak season can create unusual demands; however,  I would like her to get more R & R beyond date night dinner, movies,  etc. Any suggestions that don’t include exotic vacations?

DEAR ANXIOUS HUSBAND: Thank you for your note! It is lovely to have a husband reach out on behalf of his wife! The simple answer to your question, “How do you get your wife to slowdown,” is you can’t. Now, since I know is probably not the golden advice you were expecting, please allow me to elaborate:

Despite the all of the hours she is currently working, there is an underlying force driving her. She may be doing this to “stay on top of her game” as you say; she could be concerned about her job security; or she could be enjoying herself. Sometimes when a person is in the zone and is able to watch their efforts result in progress, there is a unique thrill that is attached. She may not have a clear understanding of what is causing her to work so hard, so probing is not the solution. Your support and positive feedback is what she really needs. You may share different expectations about what is best for her, so you have to relax your expectations. She must feel free to live her life in a way that feels good to her. If she shares what’s really driving her, you must be prepared to listen compassionately and just provide support. I know it can be difficult for a man to hear his wife speak without offering advice, but often women just want to be heard not advised. Let her know that you are confident she will make the right choice and allow her to work it out on her own. (If she asks for your advice, you then have a green light to proceed.)

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March 8, 2013


It happens all the time in heaven, and someday it will begin to happen again on earth — that men and women who are married, and men and men who love, and women and women who give each other light, often will get down on their knees, and while so tenderly holding their lover’s hand, – Read More –

March 8, 2013


This song is simply beautiful :) And it’s the right way to kick off some love inspired content today ;)

March 2, 2013


When you are truthful with yourself, you start to see everything as it is, not the way you want to see it. Though it may be true that something bad may have happened to you, it is no longer true that you must suffer this experience. You discover that perhaps what you believe hurt you so badly was never true. Even if it was true, it doesn’t mean that now it is true. By using the truth, you open the wound and see the injustice from a new perspective.

Three Rules for Seeing What is True:

1. Don’t believe me. Believe what you want to believe according to what I say, but only if it makes sense for you, if it makes you happy. If it guides you to your awakening, then make the choice to believe it.

2. Don’t believe yourself. Don’t believe all the lies you tell yourself — all those lies that you never chose to believe, but were programmed to believe. Don’t believe yourself when you say you are not good enough, you are not strong enough, you are not intelligent enough. Don’t believe all of your boundaries and limitations. Don’t believe you are unworthy of happiness or love. Don’t believe you are not beautiful. Don’t believe whatever makes you suffer. More than 80% of what you believe is a lie…it isn’t true.

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February 25, 2013


I have loved seeing and sharing these smiles from around the world! These young girls in South America are just adorable. Hoping all of these smiles have brightened your day! P.S. You can expect to see more worldwide smile features on the site in the future! ;)   Photo source: lovely young girls smiling

February 25, 2013


You’ve probably sensed that the theme of today is all about the SMILE! I believe smiling to be the real key to joy and happiness…and laughter to be medicine for the soul :) This brilliant photo of friends smiling in Rajasthan [India] reminds me of how a simple smile is able to transcend any language – Read More –

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