
February 25, 2013


Helping others…especially the children of the world…is so important! Being a volunteer tutor for children in need has added so much more joy to my life. I believe being around children helps to remind us how to be free. And happy :) So, for one day per week for just one hour, please consider volunteering and – Read More –

February 22, 2013


DEAR SAGE: My life has been speeding by and a lot of changes are occurring and I feel like I am losing control. I have recently made a few bad decisions in my love life and I don’t know if I should be honest about my mistakes or live with the guilt I face.

DEAR FLOWER: This is serious. I can feel your anxiety. I received your letter and literally stopped everything because I want to help you find peace. So before we get started, I want you to please pause everything and take a deep breathe with me [long inhale, hold it…then long exhale]. Slow everything down and allow yourself to relax in this moment. Keep breathing slowly and consciously with me while we work through this. Ok, let’s do it!

Sometimes life really does flying by when we lose connection with our purpose and goals. What are you really trying to do? Where are you really trying to go? What is it that you really want? Despite all of the things going on, take a step back and first reflect on these questions. You can either let change control you or control the changes. When we get lost, sometimes it can feel like we are swept up in a wave and tossed in different directions outside of our control. The reality is that when we don’t have a goal, the waves really do determine our direction. If we know where we want to go, we can start swimming in that direction. You are on the right path because you realize you don’t want to keep floating along. So right now, it’s time to swim to shore, my dear.  Let’s get you grounded and address your key concern: your love life…

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February 20, 2013


This song makes me smile! :) It started playing just as I was parking…and it had been a long day…so I stayed in the car just to sing along! Ray has so much soul. I hope that you enjoy it too :)

February 19, 2013



Heart is right to cry


Even when the smallest drop of light,

Of love,

Is taken away.


Perhaps you may kick, moan, scream

In a dignified


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February 13, 2013


Even After All this time The sun never says to the earth, “You owe Me.” Look What happens With a love like that, It lights the Whole Sky. Poetry by Hafiz Photo source: sky heart

February 10, 2013


DEAR SAGE: Ok so at the beginning of the school year, I developed a crush on the boy in my class. So I told my best friend. She had also developed a crush on the same guy! But she never told me until a couple weeks ago! So a couple weeks ago, I heard that the boy that I had a crush on was gonna ask my best friend out!!!!! And guess what she said…. YES!!!!!!

So after she said yes, I got really mad at her because she knew that I had a huge crush on him!!! I really don’t trust her as a friend anymore! But she has done so many more things that really hurt my feelings! it’s not just this incident!!! I don’t know what to do… I REALLY LIKED HIM!!!!!! :( :( :( :( :*

DEAREST LOVE: O.M.G! This is a tricky situation! Let me ask you a question…what would have happened if your crush asked you out and you said yes? What would that have been like for your friend? It is dangerous business to base a friendship on which one of you the guy picks! Someone is going to lose in that situation. True friendships are based on how you treat each other…it should not be about people outside of your friendship. Crushes come and go, best friends are true friends that are there for you through all of that!

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February 10, 2013


We are all given gifts. Life’s adventure is to discover those gifts and have the courage to share those gifts with others, in harmony with nature.  This is merely a way of extending love. In the process, love is received. So really, life’s purpose is rooted in love. Enjoy the ride! :)   Photo source: courage

February 7, 2013


We are all one. When you help others, you help yourself. Challenge: Each day, seek to take advantage of an opportunity to help someone else. Without seeking or expecting appreciation :)   Photo source: kindness

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