
April 14, 2013


There is a Sufi story told by Rumi which goes like this: Two beggars came to the door of a house. One was immediately satisfied, and given a piece of bread. He went away. The second was kept waiting for her morsel. Why? The first beggar was not greatly liked; he was given stale bread. – Read More –

April 13, 2013


Oh Companion That Abode Is Unmatched,
Where My Complete Beloved Is.

In that Place There Is No Happiness or Unhappiness,
No Truth or Untruth
Neither Sin Nor Virtue.
There Is No Day or Night, No Moon or Sun,
There Is Radiance Without Light.

There Is No Knowledge or Meditation
No Repetition of Mantra or Austerities,
Neither Speech Coming From Vedas or Books.
Doing, Not-Doing, Holding, Leaving
All These Are All Lost Too In This Place.

No Home, No Homeless, Neither Outside or Inside,
Micro and Macrocosm Are Non-Existent.
Five Elemental Constituents and the Trinity Are Both Not There
Witnessing Un-struck Shabad Sound is Also Not There.

No Root or Flower, Neither Branch or Seed,
Without a Tree Fruits are Adorning,
Primordial Om Sound, Breath-Synchronized Soham,
This and That – All Are Absent, The Breath Too Unknown

Where the Beloved Is There is Utterly Nothing
Says Kabir I Have Come To Realize.
Whoever Sees My Indicative Sign
Will Accomplish the Goal of Liberation.

April 13, 2013


A friend of mine recently recommended a book to me called The Holy Man, which I purchased and devoured in a few sittings. It is a delightful and beautiful story filled with wisdom, wit and love centered around finding peace and happiness. I wanted to share the central theme of the book with this excerpt: — – Read More –

April 9, 2013


The Master remains peaceful in the midst of continuous change. There is nothing that can disturb her, nothing that she finds unacceptable. She welcomes all beings, watches as they come and go, and stays rooted in what is real. From The Second Book of the Tao by Stephen Mitchell Photo source: Rice terraces (North Vietnam)

April 5, 2013


After the Hafiz poem (and the artist’s rendering of a beautiful young beginner), I couldn’t resist sharing this video of adorable (yet no-nonsense!) 7 year old Su Fei Ya simply owning the Macau orchestra. Wow!!! She’s amazing.

April 5, 2013


When The violin Can forgive the past It starts singing. When the violin can stop worrying About the future   You will become Such a drunk laughing nuisance   That God will then lean down And start combing you into His Hair.   When the violin can forgive Every wound caused by Others   The – Read More –

April 3, 2013


The Tao doesn’t come and go. It is always present everywhere, just like the sky. If your mind is clouded, you won’t see it, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t there. All misery is created by the activity of the mind. Can you let go of words and ideas, attitudes and expectations? If so, then – Read More –

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