As I was looking for cool art today, I got sucked into the amazing world of Roy Lichtenstein. But before I caption this piece, I’m going to give you insight into my routine for selecting content :)

My process in selecting material for the website is a process ha! I often have a concept in mind and look for the perfect image to portray it…or I have nothing in mind and search images for inspiration. Today fell into the latter category. While searching, I usually have music playing in the background…

And just as I was studying the featured piece by Roy (Girl In Mirror), I was listening to Bad Habits by Maxwell. My brain caught fire when he started singing, “Girl there’s no one as bad, no one as bad as you” around the 2:07 mark of the song. So naturally, I had to go with this image! ;) Now for my caption:


I love the image of starting your morning by grabbing a mirror and saying into it, “There’s no one as bad as YOU!” ha! I love it :) Some may view this as narcissism, but I see it as self-love. (The fine line here is not taking that self-confidence and turning it into feelings of superiority. Once you believe you are better than others, you are lost. Understanding that you can love yourself and appreciate the beauty in others is key. No one is better or worse than anyone else…we are all unique and wonderful emanations of the Creator :)

If you don’t love yourself, who will? (If you don’t love yourself, you won’t even believe that love from others is real or true!) Loving yourself as you are and being content with what you have is so critical for happiness.

If you always defer your self-acceptance until something changes [e.g. I’ll love my body when I lose 10 pounds], you will never be satisfied. When you reach that goal, you’ll find a new one [e.g. I’ll love my body when my face clears or after I have that enhancement surgery]. This is the Ego at work…and it’s happiest when you’re constantly chasing new goals instead of having an appreciation for where you are and what you have.

Things will always change. Being grounded in the now and loving yourself as you are right now is all that you need to work on building your self-confidence and self-love. And honestly, there’s no one as bad as you! ;)


Roy Lichtenstein (1923-1997) was an American pop artist, whose work was influenced by both popular advertising and comic book style. His paintings have set records for auction value and are on display at many major museums around the world. (Click here for a more detailed biography for Roy.) Many of his works have been re-captioned…in addition to the beautiful artistry, his images are just plain fun! :)

2015 update: The kind team at Artsy reached out (after finding this post) with very kind comments about the site (thank you!). They asked if I might add a reference to their awesome page dedicated to Roy Lichtenstein. My thoughts? Of course! :) If you’d like to enjoy more of Roy’s works, please check out their site: here

Photo source: Girl In Mirror