This is one of my favorites…felt like posting because I had a vibe it might be what someone out there might need to hear :) Naw naw naw…no way…you gon’ take away my joy, my peace, and my strength…naw aint no way! This song is always a great reminder that we always have a choice – Read More –
for meditation

The concept of contentment has been brewing in my mind. This morning, a friend shared a phenomenal video that was simply beautiful and really helps to redefine the entire concept of what is considered beautiful (you can watch it here. I would only suggest that instead of the title, “Because Who Is Perfect?”, I would suggest, – Read More –

Recently, I have been searching for a new gym. Similar to walking into an expensive store (or even an inexpensive one!), I feel there is this process of assessment…the employees seem to look for contextual clues about your ability to afford what they are offering. The size up seems to often be an assessment of – Read More –

The following is a true story about Nelson Mandela, as told by Former US President Bill Clinton: “That was pretty smart of you to have your jailers come to the Inauguration and all of that, but let me ask you something… didn’t you really hate them for what they did?” Nelson replied… “Oh, yeah, I – Read More –

Lately I’ve been exploring the concept of “oneness” and what it means. I considered that perhaps we are all different manifestations of the same Spirit having a complete human experience in different bodily forms (at the same time). To expand on that…yesterday, I had an emotion breakdown//breakthrough when I was driving around (a bit lost, – Read More –

This morning I was inspired by this beautiful photo and reminded that each day we have an opportunity to live in the peace of Heaven…while on Earth. This happens through our thoughts and how we choose to experience our inner and outer worlds. Natural beauty is all around us to serve as a reminder of – Read More –

I’ve used the analogy of breathing before to illustrate that our body knows how to function on it’s own without interference. But a recent cut reminded me of how the body also knows how to heal itself. Without having to do anything more than use an anti-biotic to prevent infection, I watched a cut on – Read More –

While reading What is Tao? by Alan Watts, I was struck by an analogy he made of Taoism/Life to the act of a cat falling from a tree. He makes the point that the cat essentially let’s go of itself . During the act of falling, “the cat becomes completely relaxed and lands lightly on the ground. – Read More –
I have always loved this song from India.Arie. (In fact, for years it has been the wake-up song on my alarm clock!) As I read The War of Art by Steven Pressfield (which is truly excellent so far!) I am reminded that what we must do what we fear most….for that is what we were most – Read More –