Recently, I went to race stock cars. Before the race, my instructor advised that I “Zen out and become one with the car.” Of course that struck a cord with me ;) The same is true when I tried archery some time ago…my instructor said to “become one with the bow and release the arrow – Read More –

Racial inequality is so difficult for me to understand. From my perspective, we all come from the same Source. Just as the red rose and pink rose are both beautiful, it baffles me that some might passionately argue that one is somehow better (or more beautiful) than the other. The senseless violence that continues, even today, – Read More –

Recently, I reread bits of “Zen: The Path of Paradox” by Osho. The book provides a lovely description of Zen, and I was particularly intrigued by this passage, starting with the following sutra: Like the empty sky it has no boundaries, yet it is right in this place, ever profound and clear. Osho then advises, – Read More –

A thousand times I have ascertained and found it to be true: The affairs of this world are really nothing into nothing. Still though, we should dance. – Hafiz I read this poem last weekend in LA…and days later, I am still thinking about it in San Francisco. There is so much happening in – Read More –

I believe there is no work more important than helping others. My passion for helping children in need is due in large part to the fact that they are unable to help themselves. (Plus I simply love children!) They are so often the victims of poor parental decisions. Children fight a very difficult battle, and – Read More –

The march on Selma was a turning point in American history for equal voting rights in the 1960s. I have been a fan of Ava DuVernay’s since I first saw her masterful short film, The Door, which I posted on the site almost two years ago! (You can see it by clicking here.) Ava directed the – Read More –

All know that the drop merges into the ocean, but few know that the ocean merges into the drop. -Kabir This holiday season, I was very fortunate to be able to celebrate with friends and family in Texas. The love was overwhelming and quite special. I remain so thankful. When I ran across this quote – Read More –

Height, weight, race, gender, hair color, eye color, hair length, clothes, address….these are all classified or observed on a simple American driver’s license. Our society is accustomed to these categorizations…and we typically take quick inventory of people that we meet to determine their classifications. And sometimes to determine if they “belong” or not. But do any – Read More –

Many years ago, a man came up to me at a meditation center and asked me my race. I answered, but then he immediately countered and said, “No no…you are part of the Golden race! It is the new race that is a beautiful blend of all races. It is our wonderful future.” At the time, – Read More –