All know that the drop merges into the ocean,

but few know that the ocean merges into the drop.


This holiday season, I was very fortunate to be able to celebrate with friends and family in Texas. The love was overwhelming and quite special. I remain so thankful.

When I ran across this quote from Kabir, I was struck by the simplicity, beauty, and depth of these words. I was reminded of love, friends, and family. And I remembered an article I read that suggested that you become the average of the five people with whom you spend the most time. So, while you are changing their lives, they are changing you. We are one :)

With wishes of peace, blessings, love, and light for the holiday season and new year,  I hope that you will keep your circle positive and radiant. Love is the only truth, and when we are immersed in it, we become love.

In the wise words of Swami Sai Premanada:

Practice love until you remember that you are love.

xoxo! ;)

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Photo source: sunset austin 12/23/2014 by Bill Blackmon

Photo note: While out with my sister in Austin, I was fortunate to see this sunset firsthand. The awesome photographer, Bill Blackmon, captured it perfectly! :)