I have loved seeing and sharing these smiles from around the world! These young girls in South America are just adorable. Hoping all of these smiles have brightened your day! P.S. You can expect to see more worldwide smile features on the site in the future! ;) Photo source: lovely young girls smiling
Archive: February 25, 2013


You’ve probably sensed that the theme of today is all about the SMILE! I believe smiling to be the real key to joy and happiness…and laughter to be medicine for the soul :) This brilliant photo of friends smiling in Rajasthan [India] reminds me of how a simple smile is able to transcend any language – Read More –

Helping others…especially the children of the world…is so important! Being a volunteer tutor for children in need has added so much more joy to my life. I believe being around children helps to remind us how to be free. And happy :) So, for one day per week for just one hour, please consider volunteering and – Read More –

People are awesome :) I love characters, so this really made me smile! You can’t be upset when you’re smiling, so even if you have to force yourself…just go find a mirror and smile at yourself…you’ll feel better right away! [There’s no better time than now!] If you can find it within yourself to be – Read More –