July 29, 2018


After a full trip to Praia, Senegal, and The Gambia, returning to my island was so beautiful! Though I was challenged again with food options, it was such a restful and beautiful time.

I’m so thankful to have found the beautiful city of Ponta do Sol…and I’ll forever be thankful to the beautiful people of the city (and the island!) for adopting me! It’s another place in the world that feels like home…and it’s great to have a home base there. What a blessing it is to know that there is a beautiful and peaceful place in the world…off the grid from everything else…that I can also call home!



Picture: The shared ride van I took from Porto Novo (port city with ferry) back to my city of Ponta do Sol.

July 29, 2018


Similar to “The Bahamas,” I learned that Gambia is, in fact, correctly called “The Gambia.” It is a tiny sliver of a country that’s actually within Senegal geographically. While Senegal was colonized by France, The Gambia was colonized by Britain. As a result, the language there is English. However, the natives communicated in a version of Wolof that was actually different from the Senegalese version of the language.

Fortunately, Joli had friends who made the drive from The Gambia to Senegal to pick us up and show us around! They helped to smooth over every aspect of our visit and that was really lovely.

What I most remember about the journey to the Gambia was first that it took seven hours (we originally thought it would be 3). The car was without air conditioning…which was fine for the cooler areas. But when we hit warm, dusty patches of the drive, I was challenged haha Still, it was interesting to see the landscape and have a peak into the lives of some of the smaller, more rural, towns of Senegal.

Once in The Gambia, all I could think about was showing and getting a massage haha After learning that the hotel across the street from our original hotel had a spa, I was on a bit of a mission to transfer haha! Fortunately, Joli was on board with the move! What followed was a relaxing day for me on the beautiful hotel grounds…with lots of time spent at the spa! The massage was also great. Though our friends were lovely, and kindly took us around the city, the downtime and massage were what I really needed. Since we were only in The Gambia for a day, we also decided to fly back to Senegal haha! I think the journey is best told in pictures, so I’ll share some below ;)

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We had another night in Senegal before we left (the party night), and finished the trip with flair! Definitely a trip for the books! Special thanks to my bela Joli for letting me tag along and for putting up with my high maintenance requests haha! Every night, we laughed our way to tears as we recounted the adventures and wondered how in the world two America women like us who appreciate comfort and nice things ended up living in Africa of all places! haha! Many parts of developing countries do not have the “creature comforts”that we’re used to in the Western world, but the charm, beauty, and simplicity makes up for a lot of what one might feel is missing.

Traveling to mainland Africa was an experience…and it definitely made me appreciate my beautiful little island of Santo Antao even more! The beauty, peace, and simplicity of the island definitely fits my chill vibe. But, perhaps since I am a Gemini, I do appreciate the upbeat city life from time to time as well ;)


Main photo: Walking down to the beach from the spa at the resort in The Gambia (Coco Ocean Resort and Spa).

July 29, 2018


After several busy days in Senegal, Joli and I stayed for one night at a resort in Somone, Senegal. It was a beautiful town and reminded me of the beauty of Africa that so often does not get captured by the media. There are endless beaches and beautiful nature throughout the continent!

Somone is also known for its fruit, so we enjoyed that! I especially remember how good the watermelon was! :)

Though our stay at the resort was short, it was nice to have a little down time in a beautiful and restful place before our journey to The Gambia. Had we known how long that journey was going to take, we might have stayed at this resort haha!

July 29, 2018


Traveling to Dakar, Senegal from Praia was only about a one hour flight. However, to prepare for the trip, Joli and I had to get Yellow Fever shots (though our Yellow Fever card was never checked…coming or going!), and we had to take malaria pills. Somehow, we managed to do both before the trip.

I found Dakar to be a vibrant…and exhausting city haha! Probably due to extended living on my quiet island, I felt the frenetic energy, traffic, sounds, and chaotic order more vividly. Negotiating everything was a bit exhausting, and I found the prevalence of skin bleaching (especially among women, with billboards everywhere) to be very disheartening. I was saddened that such beautiful people would be unable to see their own beauty. (Though this product was not used by everyone, statistics suggest that 70% of Senegal’s population does. Skin bleaching is a multi-billion dollar industry.)  The hope in my heart is that we (all people) would help others to love themselves exactly as they are.

Just after I had those thoughts, I met wonderful friends of Joli’s who live in Dakar and the two children I met restored all of my hope! I had the best time with the Abbott boys and happily chose them over shopping in a market haha! Both of the boys were still in grade school and old enough to know a bit about the world, but young enough to have no fear and see endless possibilities. It was such a joy to be around them and be reminded of these powerful feelings that we too often lose track of in adulthood.

Joli and I also made time to hop hotels every night and spend our last night partying…arriving at the airport for our morning flight after a night of no sleep! It was a time that I will always remember :) <3


Photo: Image taken on a highway in Senegal on my mobile phone! I thought it captured the strength and the resilience of the people <3 Namaste.

July 29, 2018


My visit to Praia (on the main island of Santiago) was all about PEOPLE! Well, and food haha!

It was so wonderful to be with my incredible friends and recharge on good food and frequent visits to my favorite gym there! it was the first time in a long time that I felt full. I mean that mostly in a nutritional way (I was definitely low on vitamins!), but being around great people also recharged my batteries.

I also had a the wonderful opportunity to speak to two English classes in Praia! It was such a pleasure to share my books with these awesome groups and have a vibrant Zen discussion! What a treat!

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I’m so thankful for that trip and my wonderful friends who made it extra special! I traveled to Praia on the first of May, and the big dinner with friends (pictured) definitely felt like my birthday present! ;) <3 So much love and appreciation to everyone who made this trip amazing!

July 29, 2018


I have been meaning to post updates to the page with recent travels, but I fell really behind. Instead of real-time thoughts from the trips, I thought I’d just include simple posts with key memories from the trips, along with lessons/lingering thoughts that I’ve had as a result.

So…from October to April, I was on my island (Santo Antao) working almost nonstop to convert my typed notebooks into a proper book. Though I was in a peaceful and beautiful place, the lack of rain that the island received in 2017 really started to become apparent around the start of Spring. I struggled with finding a good selection of vegetables, but I soldiered on, determined to get my book to a place that felt complete.

However, around the end of April, I had a bit of a breakdown haha By the end of the month, I was ready to buy a ticket to anywhere to get off of my island! haha The combination of solitude and limited food got me to a place of needing proper nutrition and socialization. It just so happens that my dear friend, Joli, on the main island of Cabo Verde responded first haha So, within days, I took a car to a ferry to a plane to get to the capital city of Praia to see her and other friends! I also offered to join Joli on her upcoming trip to mainland Africa..and she excitedly agreed!

So, in a matter of days, I was launched from my quiet life in Ponta do Sol to the bustling town of Praia…and the even more hectic city life in Senegal and The Gambia! Posts about those cities are up next ;)

My lesson from that moment is to follow your intuition and know when it’s time to go…and then go! ;)



Photo: Ponta do Sol, Cabo Verde from my mobile phone ;)

April 19, 2018


Today is my beautiful mother’s birthday, so I decided she should have her own post! That’s the wonderful thing about running your own website…you do what you want ;)

And really my incredible mother deserves more than just a day of celebration, but we have to start somewhere, right? ;)

To say that I love my mother…or that I’m so very proud of her…would be an understatement. As I’ve read my latest book over and over (during the editing process), I’ve come to realize the strong theme of motherhood that flows throughout (don’t worry, Dad…there’s a bit of fatherhood too! Haha). Each of the major characters are profoundly impacted by their mothers…or their experience (or inexperience) of motherhood. Such a thing could only be created from my own experiences.

Watching my mother having a profoundly positive impact on the lives of others was hugely inspirational. I also think that fun times doing things like dancing and singing around the house with our parents was wonderful for me and my sisters. We were encouraged to do our best and help others. These are seemingly simple lessons, but I see it manifested clearly in my sisters to this day.

I know that everyone was not as lucky as we were, and that is unfortunate. But I also believe that we, as spirits, pick our mothers. Our experience with them is meant to prepare us for transcendence. They give us experiences that help us unlock what we need to get free. I guess, in this life, I picked the easy round ;) Thanks Momma! ;) I love you!


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Photo source: Me and my beautiful madre…fun time spent parasailing…all smiles without a care in the world! Except for the freezing cold waters of the Pacific Ocean! Lol


April 18, 2018


I’ll start with a disclaimer…most of what I write, I write for myself haha! I’m terrible about slowing down.

I always want to get things done quickly…and I also want things done perfectly. It’s contradictory, I know…but it’s my real life haha

When I look back on situations I rushed through, I realize that I could have slowed down. For instance, when I first moved to the island, I was crazy about getting all of my furniture designed and made right away. I could have relaxed and taken it slower…it wouldn’t have changed much about the result. But when I think back to the situation, I know that I couldn’t have been made to understand that. As a result of my rush, lack of language skills (I knew very little Creole back then), and the resulting miscommunication, some mistakes were made. They were minor…but one of my headboards was made to the wrong height specification (not a huge deal in the grand scheme of things), and 80% of the furniture was not coated with a sealant (I fixed it later by paying carpenter to come out and paint everything…it all dried on my balcony).

And now, as I work on my book, I get consumed with finishing edits as quickly as possible. So, I continue working late at night, when my attention is not at 100%. I know for a fact that I’ve made mistakes while fixing other mistakes. And even though I know I should slow down, it’s just not in my nature.

But, sometimes I should. When we slow down, we have a chance to look at things objectively. Instead of responding with our gut reaction, we give ourselves more time to consider the situation from different angles and make decisions that are based more on logic. We can consider other inputs and calmly reflect on things.

Even though it sometimes seems that something has to be done right away, I don’t believe that is always true. We pressure ourselves into thinking something must be done immediately or we’ll miss an opportunity. But, sometimes, the truth is that perhaps the timing didn’t work out because there was an opportunity better suited for us that we were meant to have.

There are no right answers, but I feel inspired to share the message to take things slow and know that you will get to the place you were meant to go…at exactly the time you were meant to get there. All is well.



sage signature1






Photo source:  Out of the mud  by dannety

April 14, 2018


I feel like every stage of writing my latest book has been overwhelming. I’m even taking a break to write this post because I feel overwhelmed haha I don’t know that what I’m about to write will help with the feeling, but I hope to look back on this post one day and laugh about it all haha!

It’s hard to believe that a year ago I was deep into the process of writing Seven Lives. I remember, vividly, the sleepless nights…and the endless ideas. I recall running out of notebook and ink in my pens as I tried to capture every thought. There were even some nights when I ran out of steam and used a voice recorder app (usually around 3am) to capture future ideas that I didn’t want to forget. Ah…those were the days! haha

I repeated this pattern and wrote furiously here in Cabo Verde…then in Lisbon…New Jersey…New York…before finally finishing in LA, around four months after I began. I remember a brief moment of shock before I celebrated this news with my friend Linda. I remember treating myself to a massage the next day because my body desperately needed it. My Vietnamese Mama Lien infused me with great energy during that massage…and that helped as I had to face the reality of the 27 notebooks I’d created.

The next part of the mission was to type the notebooks. I started the process in LA, while I was designing/publishing my second book! I laugh as I think of how crazy I was to tackle both of these projects at once haha! Somehow, my amazing design, Dillon, helped me to get my second book,unbreakable, done in a month’s time. But I still had many notebooks to type up.

By this point, I remember that the notebooks completely filled up my carry-on luggage. I was so nervous about losing them…and they were so heavy! I decided that I wanted to finish up all of my typing while I was in Austin. That way I could leave the notebooks behind and not worry about my carry-on luggage being too heavy for international travel back to Africa. I spent so many days and nights typing. I’d usually stay up until 3am typing so I’d have time during the days to spend with family and friends. I remember my hands and body being so sore from all of the typing.  My Mom was so sweet to celebrate every time I finished typing a notebook, but I didn’t feel successful until I finished all of them. And somehow I did. My gift to myself was a manicure/pedicure treatment, with all of the extras…plus a ninety minute massage. It helped tremendously. My parents supplied the celebratory vegan ice cream which was also amazing.

Then I remember having the typed file…my book in digital form! Except it didn’t look much like a book. There were large blocks of text…without chapters or paragraphs. Somehow, I had to turn all of that into a book. But after time in Austin, I had some great days with my sister and then I took a month off from all book related work. I got back to Africa and slept for weeks.

Around October, I started up again. I measured the progress of my edit and tried to keep myself encouraged. The first edit took ages. (And with the benefit of hindsight, I should have started with reading the Chicago Manual of Style before I went through the editing process haha More on that later.) Finishing the first edit felt great, but I knew immediately that a second review would be necessary.

The second review turned into a third…and then forth review. I was reaching complete burnout. I’d accomplished my goal of “completing” my book within a year of starting, but it still didn’t feel finished. I realized I’d need outside assistance and hired an editor to do a review and help with putting together documents to get an agent. At the same time, I was able to get my manuscript printed (pictured) and bound on the island. I decided that I should do the fifth review using a paper version. It was probably one of my best decisions, and I managed to read the entire manuscript, and make edits, within two weeks…a new record!

But then I discovered that my formatting was all wrong (I’d added a space between paragraphs instead of indenting…plus I had some dashes and quotations to fix, in accordance with the style guidelines). I told myself that I could fix these things while making other editing changes, and so I continued.

Now, I’m about halfway done…and feeling bleak haha A 1,200 page manuscript is a monster of a document, and I think I’m challenged by the reality that none of these stages of the process can be done overnight. It all feels overwhelming and I’ve asked myself–more than once–what I’m doing. Why am I doing this?! But this project begs to be completed. And I wouldn’t be me if I didn’t put forth my full effort to get it done right. Still, that doesn’t mean that I don’t feel overwhelmed.

The work is tedious…and often mind-numbingly boring. But I know that if I don’t do it, no one else will. And I know that if I hired someone else to do it, it wouldn’t feel like my project. I think books are like babies for authors…we want to raise it ourselves. Since I’m looking at going the traditional publishing route, I know that I have to prepare myself for feedback and suggestions that might require major edits…and I admit that I can’t wrap my mind around that haha But that’s something for another day.

For now, I have a stack of pages with changes that need to be translated to the digital version. All I know is that I just want to get through that. Hopefully, I’ll be wise enough to celebrate that milestone too :)

So now that I’ve unloaded that burden onto you (haha!), I think the message is that there are times when we feel completely overwhelmed by something we’re going through. But if we look more closely at that thing, we’ll recognize the pattern–it likely resembles something we’ve (successfully) gotten through before.

More than anything, I think these moments test our will–how bad do you want it? Often the thing that we think we’re working on is really just a metaphor for something else. For me, it always seems to be freedom. But happiness, peace, independence are all just as noble. Achieving whatever that is requires perseverance that has associated costs. Letting go of things and people (and places)…pushing through fatigue…and being uncomfortable are all possible side effects. We grow during the journey…and, if we are wise, we are able to recognize successes and take some moments to celebrate ;) If we don’t do that, life can feel like an endless struggle..and no achievement will ever feel like enough. And in the words of the wise Taoist master Lao-tzu: “Only those who know when enough is enough will ever have enough.”

I wish you peace during challenging times; the fortitude to push through when needed; and the wisdom to rest when you must. Knowing that everything is happening for our highest good, may we embrace our path and help to uplift others on the way ;)



sage signature1

April 9, 2018


I fell into writing. I never thought that I would be a writer full time! My college degrees are in Engineering and Business, and I figured that I’d find some way to parlay that into a long career in Business, Law, or something else that would allow me to take over the world…you know, the traditional way.

But my path changed, and I just flowed with it. And now I find myself spending hours, days, weeks, months…and now over a year, working on my latest book. I’ve read it so many times that I get mad when I find a mistake. But then I’m happy that I caught it before it was published. (I was like that with my first two books, too! Occupational hazard haha) I can’t imagine my book being in the world with a mistake! So, yes, I’m a perfectionist…but more than that, I think that errors distract from substance. They take the focus away from what you’re really trying to say. So I forge on like a crazy person.

But back to me somehow becoming a writer. I was telling my parents yesterday that the last English class I took was AP English…as a senior in high school! I still remember bits of Ms. Racine’s class. And somehow I still remember the poem I memorized and recited in front of the class! The poem was called The Most Vital Thing in Life by Granville…I can’t remember the full name, actually. Here’s what I remember:

When you feel like saying something

That you know you will regret

Or keenly feel an insult

Not quite easy to forget

That’s the time to curb resentment

And maintain your mental peace,

For when your mind is tranquil,

All your ill thoughts

Simply cease.

It is easy to be angry

When defrauded or defied,

To be peeved and disappointed

When your wishes are denied.

But to when a worthwhile battle

Over selfishness and spite,

You must learn to keep strict silence

Though you know you’re in the right.

So keep your mental balance

When confronted by a foe,

Be it enemy in ambush

Or some danger that you know.

If you are poised and tranquil

When all around is strife,

Be assured that you have mastered

The Most Vital Thing In Life.

I still love that poem! Though I’m not sure that I remembered it exactly right (it’s been almost 20 years!), I still feel lucky to have picked that poem out of the huge volume of poems that we had to choose from. (Or maybe it picked me!) It still feels relevant. [I looked it up…it’s by Grenville Kleiser. The link to the poem is here, though for some reason it’s repeated twice! I wasn’t too far off ;) ]

Art is like that. It has this ability to get into the vibers of your being and take you over. It can inspire you to reach new heights…or help you to break free from your lowest lows. If someone else did it, we subconsciously reason, we can do it to! We are comforted and somehow we feel understood through our shared experience. (Like hearing a song that expresses your exact mood! Or reading a story that literally reads your life!) Art is how we come to know ourselves, and it connects us all because it reflects the human experience. We gravitate to art that feels like a reflection of ourselves…even if it’s just in a particular moment.

I love visual art…I love music…I love photography…I love film…but somehow writing chose me. I, recently, decided to choose it back. I’ve only been doing the writing thing for a few years. I write about things I know and I write about things that I’m trying to understand. I write about my own experiences and I write about things I’ve never experienced. I don’t know why…it just happens.

Like any artist, I do believe that there are many writers who are more skilled and capable than me. But art doesn’t care about that. Your art may be meant for an audience that you would have never considered. It may even be an audience that you never knew existed. It could only be meant for one person. Your art could change the life of one person. Think of that! Even if it is only one person, that is huge and terrifying and beautiful notion. But even that doesn’t matter! You can’t worry about who that one person is as you create, because your work must remain authentic. And also because you never know…maybe that one person is you. ;)

So create without hesitation! Create without fear! And create even when you don’t think you’re ready. Because you are ready. You wouldn’t have been given the inspiration if you weren’t meant to act on it ;) That is how you know.

With love,

sage signature1





Photo source: Writer’s workplace by Dina

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