
February 2013

February 28, 2013


Perhaps one of the best known Egyptian queens [and a personal favorite] is Nefertiti, meaning, “the beautiful one has come”.

Known for her great beauty, Queen Nefertiti was married to Pharaoh Amenhotep IV [who later changed his name to Akhenaten], and ruled by his side. Together, Nefertiti and Akhenaten, are most known for establishing Aten [the Sun] as the sole deity…a dramatic departure from the traditional polytheistic beliefs of the Egyptians. The two were depicted riding in chariots together and even kissing, suggesting a genuine romantic connection.

Nefertiti is thought to be one of the most powerful women who ever ruled, and her husband went to great lengths to display her as an equal counterpart in artistic depictions of the time. Queen Nefertiti is shown wearing the crown of the pharaoh and even smiting enemies in battle, illustrating her great power.

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February 28, 2013


Maurits Cornelis Escher (1892 – 1972) was a brilliant graphic artist. Known for mind-bending [and sometimes headache inducing!] structures, Escher’s art spanned lithographic prints, woodcuts and wood engraving. He produced thousands of drawings and sketches and has left an inspirational body of work which continues to confound and delight.

Escher decided to bypass his original study of architecture and pursue graphic art instead. Perhaps Gaudi was inspired to follow the opposite path :)

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February 28, 2013


Taoism is all about going with the flow of life and enjoying the journey. It is about contentment [loving things as they are] and freedom to be as you are. No changes required. Taoism is based on the concept of wei wu wei, which means action without action. Just as we breathe without actively trying or as – Read More –

February 28, 2013


“Who’s to say what’s impossible and can’t be found?” It is so important to understand those things in life that thrill you! Finding your fun and going out and doing it is where joy is found. Even better, when you can find a way to do what you love for a living, it won’t feel like work! So, – Read More –

February 27, 2013


Wow. Just wow. This is worth the watch. His body flows like water…even Yo-Yo Ma is amazed. Love this!   (Thanks for sharing, K!)

February 27, 2013


The secret of freedom is courage.     Photo source: freedom

February 27, 2013


“This is the real me and I just gotta be free as a bird in the sky…” Freedom is an essential ingredient for happiness. Be YOU…don’t let anyone edit or modify you. Those who truly love you will love you as you are…flaws and all :) Thanks Vivian! Your voice is beautiful.

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