
After taking a quick trip to the neighbor island for supplies, I was reminded of the importance of adventure. Doing new things can introduce you to new people and experiences and this is often very expansive. Because of a small decision I made to have a hammock on my balcony, I’ve been led to the – Read More –

I rarely cry, but just a few minutes ago, as I was doing my evening stretches, tears began to leak out of my eyes as I was flooded with immense gratitude for everything in my life. I was inspired to thank my ancestors (Grams, Momsie, and O’ma) and I felt their responses in certain phrases – Read More –
Recently, a kind reader of this website came across a quote that I posted in 2014. That quote, “Stand still. The trees ahead and the bush beside you are not lost,” was misattributed to Albert Einstein (the internet is not always a reliable place to source quotes!), so I thank Sara Wright for calling that – Read More –

I have been back on my island of Santo Antao for almost a month now (!!), but it just feels like I’m starting to catch my breath! What a wonderful whirlwind it’s been as I’ve traveled around the world continually for the past year! I am still processing all of my incredible adventures, and feeling – Read More –

I have been traveling (around the world) for almost a year straight, and it is hard to put into words what that feels like. While the experiences, people, and places have been great, my body has reminded me of the importance of rest. While I feel the excitement of new things on the horizon, it – Read More –

I originally came to Houston with the idea that I would be here just a few weeks ago…but that was almost three months ago! A series of (fortunate) events have kept me here and it’s been a really beautiful experience. I’ve met so many wonderful, beautiful people! And it’s been a delight for me to – Read More –

Yesterday, I had the most amazing time chatting with MistaGoodBar at The Remedy (KPFT Houston)! We has so much fun talking books, music, and travel — three of my passions! So much love and appreciation for the support Please click here for the full interview. If you listened and enjoyed this interview, please know that – Read More –

When I notice a minor typo in an email I’ve just sent, I have to continually tell myself to let it go. When I find a typo in a social media post, I immediately edit it. These things don’t really matter, but I still want to get them right. I think about these small mistakes – Read More –

As we enter a new year, let us burn all of the doubts, fears, and anxieties that we felt in 2018. Let us celebrate our resilience as we overcame all that threatened to tear us down in the days past… and may we recognize that, like a phoenix, we continue to rise from the ashes – Read More –