selena sage

November 22, 2020


What is the measure  of an aspirant’s progress in terms of authentic attainment? They must evolve to such maturity wherein they are capable of bringing mental chaos back to silence, without requiring outer assistance. from “Writing on Water” by Sri Mooji Once you recognize your power to simply observe mental chaos and bring it to – Read More –

November 1, 2020


This morning, I brought one of my favorite Taoist books with me to read on the rocks by the sea (just got splashed! Haha) A passage that really resonated today is from verse 52: In the beginning was the Tao. All things issue from it; all things return to it. To find the origin, trace – Read More –

October 29, 2020


The one who surrenders  everything, including himself, and the one who finds  nothing, including himself, discover the same Truth. from “Writing on Water” by Sri Mooji — Morning walk to Sinagoga, morning meditation on the nature of truth. Let go of all to find all. Namasté, My hidden perch in the rocks :) for peace – Read More –

October 26, 2020


All this [world] is conjured by magic;It’s only the water of a desert mirage. Beyond all differences, beyond all forms,Truly, there is only Shiva alone. from “Song of the Advadhut” by Swami Abhayananda Namasté, Photos: Sun rising this morning in Ponta do Sol from my perch on the rocks by the sea :) Namasté.

October 26, 2020

A Restful Week

So very thankful for a restful week (last week) with dear friends in Cha D’Igreja at beautiful Casa no Caminho / Haus Am Weg (link to my previous post about this wonderful place here)! Resting in a hammock was my vibe all week! (Obrigada dear Diane for the photo haha ;) The week before had – Read More –

October 18, 2020


It often happens during my sunrise walks that some moment of clarity shines through. So, in what might become the first in a “sunrise series” of posts, there is inspiration to share a bit of that reflection. When we are feeling anxiety, stress, or even confusion, this is generally a sign that we are living – Read More –

October 17, 2020


This morning I decided to disable my social media accounts. While I’ve loved using those accounts as a mode of sharing and connecting, I started to feel an energy drain. Social media was taking too much of my attention. I even felt a little hesitant while disconnecting and I didn’t like that feeling either. At – Read More –

October 7, 2020


As I near the end of the third season of my podcast, “Live Free with Selena Sage,” (available here) there is a feeling of amazement that one idea has become almost 150 episodes! But before launching into thoughts, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to you and others around the world who have – Read More –

October 2, 2020


Today, I had a moment of linguistic misunderstanding at a convenience store checkout that spawned a podcast episode (listen to “Talk 45” here) and now this post haha First I’ll say that living in a country that speaks a language other than your first/primary language is a difficult thing. Even as I’ve learned the native – Read More –

September 8, 2020


The Japanese poetry form of haiku (three line poetry with 5 syllables on the first line, 7 syllables on the second line, and 5 syllables again on the third line) has taken me over this year! Since I randomly decided to start writing these poems this January (after my dear and beautiful sister Iris suggested – Read More –

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